RICHAUME Agnès (University Lyon I, FRANCE)

First Name: Agnès


Position: professor


Institute / University / Company: Université Claude Bernard Lyon1

Research Unit: Ecologie Microbienne UMR CNRS 5557

Address (city, state): 43 bd du 11 Novembre 1918, Bâtiment G. Mendel, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex

Country: France

Please give 5 key-words showing your research / interest in Microbial Ecotoxicolgy:

soil microbial communities

N cycle


microbial activities

microbial diversity

Main kinds of contaminant(s) of interest:


Main kinds of microorganisms of interest:

Functionnal groups of N cycle (mainly nitrifiers and denitrifiers)

Main kinds of ecosystems of interest:

Soil (natural soils and agroecosystems)

Do you give courses on Microbial Ecotoxicology ?: NO

If yes, please tell us more about the courses (University, course level,website,etc):

Some concepts of microbial ecotoxicology are given through courses in microbial ecology (Licence, Université Lyon 1)

Most relevant articles in the field of Microbial Ecotoxicology (max.5):

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