Ecotoxicomic 2017


International Conference EcotoxicoMic 2017

The First International Conference on Microbial Ecotoxicology was held in Lyon (France) on November 21-24, 2017. Organized by the EcotoxicoMic Network and the Rovaltain Foundation, the conference gathered for the first time more than 160 microbial ecotoxicologists representing 23 countries from around the world and belonging for both the private and academics sectors.

Thanks to the support of our many partners, the quality of the presentations and the presence of world-renowned speakers, this  event  was  fruitful, leading to numerous exciting communications, discussions and prospects of collaboration . We hope that it will  start  a  long  series of passionate conferences dedicated to Microbial Ecotoxicology!

Download the final book of abstracts (including the participant list)


International Conference EcotoxicoMic 2017
