EcotoxicoMic members

EcotoxicoMic members

MULLER Emilie (CNRS / University of Strasbourg, FRANCE)

First Name: Emilie Name: MULLER Position: researcher Institute / University / Company: CNRS / University of Strasbourg Research Unit: Laboratoire de Génétique Moléculaire, Génomique et Microbiologie Address (city, state): Institut de physiologie et de chimie biologique (IPCB); 4 allée Konrad Roentgen; F – 67000 Strasbourg Country: France Please give 5 key-words showing your research / interest in Microbial Ecotoxicolgy: – biogeochemical …

MULLER Emilie (CNRS / University of Strasbourg, FRANCE) Read More »

MEHBOOB Farrakh (Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, PAKISTAN)

First Name: Farrakh Name: Mehboob Position: Principal Scientific Officer Institute / University / Company: Pakistan Agricultural Research Council Research Unit: Ecotoxicology Research Program Address (city, state): Ecotoxicology Research Program, IPEP, National Agriculture Research Centre, park road, Islamabad Country: Pakistan Please give 5 key-words showing your research / interest in Microbial Ecotoxicolgy: pollutants pesticides solvent degradation bacteria Main kinds of contaminant(s) of …

MEHBOOB Farrakh (Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, PAKISTAN) Read More »

MARTINS Jean (CNRS – Univ. Grenoble Alpes, FRANCE)

First Name: Jean Name: MARTINS Position: DR CNRS Email: Institute / University / Company: CNRS – Univ. Grenoble Alpes Research Unit: IGE UMR 5001 Address (city, state): 70 rue de la physique, 38400 St Martin d’Hères Country: France Please give 5 key-words showing your research / interest in Microbial Ecotoxicolgy: Soil and waterBacterial cells dissemination Impact of pollutants Bioremediation Main kinds of …

MARTINS Jean (CNRS – Univ. Grenoble Alpes, FRANCE) Read More »

MARINI Andréa (University of Sherbrooke, CANADA)

First Name: Andréa Name: Marini Position: PhD student Institute / University / Company: University of Sherbrooke Research Unit: Boreal Biogeochemistry Bellenger Laboratory and Pascale B. Beauregard Laboratory Address (city, state): Sherbrooke, QC Country: Canada Please give 5 key-words showing your research / interest in Microbial Ecotoxicolgy: – Nitrogen cycle – Phosphorus cycle – Metals in …

MARINI Andréa (University of Sherbrooke, CANADA) Read More »

MARIE Benjamin (CNRS/MNHN, Paris, France)

First Name: Benjamin Name: Marie Position: Researcher Email: Institute / University / Company: CNRS / MNHN Research Unit: UMR 7245 MCAM Address (city, state): 12 rue BUffon 75005 Paris Country: France Please give 5 key-words showing your research / interest in Microbial Ecotoxicolgy: Cyanobacteria cyanotoxins ecotoxicology blooms metabolomics Main kinds of contaminant(s) of interest:  Cyanotoxins Main kinds of microorganisms of interest:  Cyanobacteria …

MARIE Benjamin (CNRS/MNHN, Paris, France) Read More »

MAMUN Abdullah Al (Ocean University of China, Shandong, China)

First Name: Abdullah Al Name: Mamun Position: Research associate Email: Institute / University / Company: Ocean University of China Research Unit: Protozoan Ecology Address (city, state): 5-Yushan Road, Qingdao, Shandong Country: China Please give 5 key-words showing your research / interest in Microbial Ecotoxicolgy: Protozoa Aquatic ecosystems bio-assessment bio-indicators Main kinds of contaminant(s) of interest: Anthropogenic effects on Protozoa Main kinds of microorganisms …

MAMUN Abdullah Al (Ocean University of China, Shandong, China) Read More »

MALLET Clarisse (Clermont Auvergne University, France)

First Name: Clarisse Name: Mallet Position: Associate Professor Email: Institute / University / Company: Université Clermont Auvergne Research Unit: Laboratoire Microorganismes: Génome et Environnement (LMGE) Address (city, state): Clermont-Ferrand Country: France Please give 5 key-words showing your research / interest in Microbial Ecotoxicolgy: natural and anthropic stresses structural and functional microbial responses microbial interactions population level carbon and nitrogen cycles Main kinds …

MALLET Clarisse (Clermont Auvergne University, France) Read More »

MALBEZIN Laura (Student, France)

First Name: Malbezin Name: Laura Position: Student Email: Institute / University / Company: Bordeaux Research Unit: _ Address (city, state): _ Country: France Please give 5 key-words showing your research / interest in Microbial Ecotoxicolgy: Multi-stress Environmental assessment Organic and inorganic contamination Ecotoxicology Diatoms Main kinds of contaminant(s) of interest: Organic (Diuron, S-métolachlore…) and inorganic contaminants Main kinds of microorganisms of interest: Diatoms …

MALBEZIN Laura (Student, France) Read More »

MALAGNOUX Laure (Envisol, La Tour du Pin, France)

First Name: Laure Name: Malagnoux Position: PhD, Research engineer Email: Institute / University / Company: Envisol Research Unit: R&D Address (city, state): La Tour du Pin Country: France Please give 5 key-words showing your research / interest in Microbial Ecotoxicolgy: polluted sites microbial communities bioremediation phytomanagement Main kinds of contaminant(s) of interest: PCB PAH heavy metals Main kinds of microorganisms of interest: …

MALAGNOUX Laure (Envisol, La Tour du Pin, France) Read More »

LE PASLIER Denis (Genoscope, Evry, France)

First Name: Denis Name: Le Paslier Position: Research Director CNRS Email: Institute / University / Company: Institut François Jacob, CEA, CNRS, Univ Evry, Université Paris Saclay Research Unit: Génomique Métabolique, Genoscope Address (city, state): Evry cedex Country: France Please give 5 key-words showing your research / interest in Microbial Ecotoxicolgy: Kepone Chlordecone Anaerobiosis Microbial biodegradation Environmental genomics Main kinds of contaminant(s) of …

LE PASLIER Denis (Genoscope, Evry, France) Read More »