First Name: Julie
Name: Neury-Ormanni
Position: PhD Student
Institute / University / Company: INRAE-Bordeaux
Research Unit: EABX-Ecovea
Address (city, state): 50 avenue de Verdun 33612 Cestas Gazinet
Country: France
Please give 5 key-words showing your research / interest in Microbial Ecotoxicolgy:
- Biofilm
- Micro-meiofauna
- Microalgae
- Herbivory
- Pesticide
Main kinds of contaminant(s) of interest: Pesticide
Main kinds of microorganisms of interest:
- Micro-meiofauna (Rotifers, nematodes, oligochaetes, ciliates, heliozoa, testate amoeba, amoeba)
- Microalgae (diatoms, cyanobacteria, chlorophyts)
Main kinds of ecosystems of interest:
- Biofilm
- Benthic aquatic community
- periphytic community
Do you give courses on Microbial Ecotoxicology ?: NO
Most relevant articles in the field of Microbial Ecotoxicology (max.5):