Most relevant articles in the field of Microbial Ecotoxicology (max.5):
Delporte F., Vanwindekens F., Abras M., Arlotti D., Reuter V., Leroy C., Huyghebaert B. and Mesplou S (2023) Soil proteins as biochemical indicators of the plant-soil-microorganism system as a whole. Proceedings in: EJP SOIL GM & Annual Science Days Annual Meeting – C2 Session “Soil biodiversity and ecosystem services”, Riga, Latvia, 12-14 June 2023
Debode, F. , Bragard, C. , Hance, T. , Ninane, V. , Demeter, S. , Dubois, B. , Muhovski, Y. , Lima-Mendez, G. , Delporte, F. , Chandelier, A. , Hulin, J. , Rousseau, G. , Bultreys, A. , Renoz, F. , Legrève, A. , Mingeot, D. , Smith, N. , Pautasso, M. , Merten, C. & Schoonjans, R. (2022). Environmental Microbiome in the context of risk assessment, a roadmap for the future and sharing of expertise between laboratories. Proceedings in: One Health Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 21-24 June 2022
Vanwindekens, F. , Hardy, B. , Roisin, C. & Delporte, F. (2020). A quantitative approach of the slake test for assessing soil structural stabilty. Proceedings in: EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9399.
Vanwindekens, F. , Hardy, B. , Leroy, C. & Delporte, F. (2020). Évaluer les fonctions physiques et biologiques des sols à l’aide d’approches pragmatiques. Proceedings in: Intersoil2020, Bruxelles, MArs 2020, Durenne, B. , Delporte, F. , Roisin, C. , Huyghebaert, B. , Dequiedt, S. , Maron, P-A. , Tripied, J. & Ranjard, L. (2020). Microbial communities are influenced by different soil management practices such as minimum tillage and plowing in historical field trials. Poster in: 25th National Symposium for Applied Biological Sciences (NSABS), Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, 31 janvier 2020.