First Name: Marie-Yasmine
Name: Dechraoui Bottein
Position: Expert Eco/Environnemental toxicology
Institute / University / Company: ECODD (Ecotoxicologie et Développement Durable Expertise)
Research Unit: –
Address (city, state): 1 passage des pignes, 06560 Valbonne.
Country: France
Please give 5 key-words showing your research / interest in Microbial Ecotoxicolgy:
- Biotoxins
- Natural contaminants
- Ecotoxicology
- Trophic transfer
- Fate and biotransformation
Main kinds of contaminant(s) of interest:
- Marine contaminants (natural and anthropogenic)
- Biotoxins
- Mercury
Main kinds of microorganisms of interest:
- Phytoplankton
- cyanobacteria
Main kinds of ecosystems of interest:
Coastal (including brackish waters) and ocean environment
Do you give courses on Microbial Ecotoxicology ?: YES
If yes, please tell us more about the courses (University, course level,website,etc): MARRES, Master Univeristé Côte d’Azur
Most relevant articles in the field of Microbial Ecotoxicology (max.5):
– Human Health and Ocean Pollution (2020) Philip J. Landrigan , John J. Stegeman, Lora E. Fleming, Denis Allemand, Donald M. Anderson, Lorraine C. Backer, Françoise Brucker-Davis, Nicolas Chevalier, Lilian Corra, Dorota Czerucka, Marie-Yasmine Dechraoui Bottein, … Hervé raps, and Patrick Rampal. (44 auteurs) Annals of Global Health 86(1): 144, 1-64
– Morphology, toxicity and molecular characterization of Gambierdiscus spp. towards risk assessment of ciguatera in south central Cuba (2019). Lisbet Díaz-Asencio, Mark Vandersea, Nicolas Chomérat, Santiago Fraga, Rachel J. Clausing, R. Wayne Litaker, Donaida Chamero-Lago, Miguel Gómez-Batista, Angel Moreira-González, Patricia Tester, Carlos Alonso-Hernández, Marie-Yasmine Dechraoui Bottein, Harmful Algae, 86: 119-127
– A study of the influence of brevetoxin exposure on trace element bioaccumulation in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis (2018) Simon Pouil, Rachel J. Clausing, Marc Metian, Paco Bustamante, Marie Yasmine Dechraoui-Bottein Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 192: 250-256
– A radioligand receptor binding assay for ciguatoxin monitoring in environmental samples: Method development and determination of quality control criteria (2018) Lisbet Díaz-Asencio, Rachel J. Clausing, Ma Llorina Rañada, Carlos M. Alonso-Hernández, Marie-Yasmine Dechraoui Bottein. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
– Experimental evidence of dietary ciguatoxin accumulation in an herbivorous coral reef fish (2018) Clausing Rachel J, Losen Barbara, Oberhaensli Francois R, Darius H. Taiana, Sibat Manoela, Hess Philipp, Swarzenski Peter W., Chinain Mireille, Dechraoui Bottein Marie-Yasmine. Aquatic Toxicology 200:257-265