First Name: Valentin
Name: Clédassou
Postion: –
Email address:
Institute / University / Company: Aix-Marseille University + Southern-Brittany University
Research unit: Microbiology
Address (city, state): PIN-BALMA, FRANCE
Phone: 07 81 96 22 07
Please give 5 key words showing your research interest in microbial ecotoxicology: metagenomic, microbiology, biostatistic…
Main kinds of contaminant(s) of interest: PCB, metals…
Main kinds of microorganisms of interest: bacteria, archaea, protista…
Main kinds of ecosystems of interest: marine , deep shore, rivers…
Do you give courses on Microbial Ecotoxicology?: no
If yes, please tell us more about the courses (university, course level,website,etc): –
Website URL: –
Message: Looking for a PhD or a CDD in marine Microbial Ecology (Microbiology, Metagenomic, Biostatistics…)
Most relevant articles in the field of Microbial Ecotoxicology (max.5): “An invasive herbivorous fish (Siganus rivulatus) influences both benthic and planktonic microbes through nutrient recycling”