First Name: Lionel
Name: Alletto
Position: Chargé de missions agronomie-environnement, chercheur associé
Institute / University / Company: Chambre régionale d’agriculture Occitanie – INRAE
Research Unit: UMR AGIR
Address (city, state): Castanet-Tolosan
Country: France
Please give 5 key-words showing your research / interest in Microbial Ecotoxicolgy:
- agro-écologie
- sciences du sol
- chimie environnementale
- agronomie systémique
- devenir des pesticides
Main kinds of contaminant(s) of interest:
- pesticides
- métaux lourds
Main kinds of microorganisms of interest:
- approche globale de l’activité microbiologique des sols
- focus sur les effets de pratiques agricoles sur les mycorhizes
Main kinds of ecosystems of interest: systèmes agricoles
Do you give courses on Microbial Ecotoxicology ?: NO
Most relevant articles in the field of Microbial Ecotoxicology (max.5):
- Alletto, L., Coquet, Y., Bergheaud, V., Benoit, P., 2012. Water pressure head and temperature impact on isoxaflutole degradation in crop residues and loamy surface soil under conventional and conservation tillage management. Chemosphere 88, 1043-1050
- Cassigneul, A., Alletto, L., Benoit, P., Bergheaud, V., Etievant, V., Dumeny, V., Le Gac, A., Chuette, D., Rumpel, C., Justes, E., 2015. Nature and decomposition degree of cover crops influence pesticide sorption: Quantification and modelling. Chemosphere 119, 1007-1014
- Cassigneul, A., Benoit, P., Bergheaud, V., Dumeny, V., Etievant, V., Goubard, Y., Maylin, A., Justes, E., Alletto, L., 2016. Fate of glyphosate and degradates in cover crop residues and underlying soil: A laboratory study. Science of the Total Environment 545, 582-590
- Cassigneul, A., Benoit, P., Nobile, C., Bergheaud, V., Dumeny, V., Etievant, V., Maylin, A., Justes, E., Alletto, L., 2018. Behaviour of S-metolachlor and its oxanilic and ethanesulfonic acids metabolites under fresh vs. partially decomposed cover crop mulches: A laboratory study. Science of the Total Environment 631-632, 1515-1524.